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2003-01-27, 8:29 p.m.
- The current mood of at

Hmm... I've been informed by Randy that Jimmy is really sick, which means when Maggie [[Jim's sister]] answered the phone this afternoon and said he wasn't home she was lying. She could have just said, I'm sorry but my brother is deathly ill and he will get back to you. Instead I have to look pathetic and desperate and ask around to all his friends to see what's the matter with him.

Well, the kid with the crushing fetish is talking to me again. He wants me to "counsel" him to try and help him get over it. You can't get over a fetish as sick as that without wanting to get rid of it, and Bob just doesn't want to get rid of it.

My eyes are going out of focus, they're like.. Nicole, I hate you! Go to sleep.. don't look at what you're doing.. CRASH! Rah.

My 1&3 keys are sticking and making it impossible to type them.

Well, I have a midterm tomorrow which I'm totally gonna flunk, so I'll go study for that and talk to you all later. Byebye.


RIP Bryan - Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003
I'm being stalked again! - Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003
I'm back. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Gail, the bitch. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Rahhhhh!!!!!!!!! - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003

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