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..::psycho cats and men::..
2002-07-22, 1:05 p.m.
- The current mood of at

OMG am I tired!! I have to finish my room, which is close to being done, but I hate painting up high because it's making me lightheaded. Yesterday was a BAD day. It stared out cool, I guess. But then it all went wrong when Ashley was attacked by Dale, that was scary as hell!! Ashley ran outside, and she was being stupid, as usual, so Emma had to chase her, as usual. Well, when I let Emma out, she ran all the way across the lawn to get Ashley, and Dale went out right behind Emma, when Emma stopped to see Ashley, Dale grabbed a hold of Emma's ass and started biting. Emma let out a yelp and she whipped around to bite Dale and he hissed at her, I mean, a ferocious hiss, one I've never heard from him before. Then he got down real low and was going to pounce on Emma, when Ashley picked him up. Well, he turned around and grabbed a hold of Ashley face! She started crying and yelling, he dug her neck all up with one paw, and the other got stuck in the side of her nostril! She was bleeding and yelling and I had to come get Dale, it was just a mess. Well, meanwhile Mother is on the phone with Fuckhead, and she lets him go to tend to Ashley. So when I want to get online, I can't because I have to wait for him to call. I should not have to wait for that asshole to call because he should not be calling!! My life should not revolve around his phone calls and that just PISSED ME OFF. Then I remembered. Oh shit. It's my father's birthday. Damn the man, huh Kara? I didn't call him, it was too late, I don't care either, he's not friggin worth the time and effort of dialing the numbers, and he better not think that mom had anything to do with me not calling him, because that's what he always suspects, mom is always at fault for everything, and when Rod was here, he was at fault for everything. Well Dad, you can go to hell. I'm the one who forgot you, not Mom, not Rod, ME.


RIP Bryan - Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003
I'm being stalked again! - Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003
I'm back. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Gail, the bitch. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Rahhhhh!!!!!!!!! - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003

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