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..::midget boobs are bad::..
2002-06-27, 7:57 a.m.
- The current mood of at

I have a crush. That's right, a crush. And no, it's not Josh, haha. But, I just don't feel right putting it in here. You know how sometimes, when you have a personal diary, and you carelessy leave it locked up in your special place, gaurded by dogs, and men with guns, and then your little sister reads it, because you were so dumb as to just leave it there. And then she takes it and shows those people you wrote about. Well, it's kinda like that. I don't know if I should name this guy, I mean, it's just a little crush so it's not like it's going to hurt anything right? I didn't know how many people read this, but I'm beginning to see, it's more than I thought. I talked to that hot barefoot guy last night. He tried to tell me he's ugly. HA! no, he's a babe. He just has bad taste in men is all. And, he doesn't have a large ego. Mainly because he has no self-esteem, but I assured him, he's hot, and I'd love to get to know him. I don't think he agreed with me very much throughout the conversation though. He lives in New Hampshire and he is in a metal band that played up here at the Edge. I completly hate the music, but I didn't want to insult him, so I told him I his band was better than the others. That's not a lie! His band was better, mostly because of the lamp they played around, and because he was in it. I told him I stayed for his band and left, which I did, at least I made him laugh, he said, well, what if I wasn't in the band then what? I said I would have sat around and watched you. No, I'm not boycrazy. I don't care what anyone thinks. Including Josh. I like one guy- Josh, I have a crush on one guy- ..., and I happen to find many persons of the opposite sex physically attractive, nothing wrong with that!! I'm normal. Very Very normal.

Let me tell you one thing I've learned this morning: midget boobs are bad.

I'm watching 28 Days. I like to watch movies with drunks, I'm not sure why, but it's just something I do. I'm really cold, sitting here in my *~air conditioning~*. I would give anything for some red Kool-Aid and a waffle. That's the best combo ya know. My grandmother came over last night and told everyone about her date with Norman. She ordered a drink with a lemon and Norman asked her if he could have a drink when she squeezed the lemon in it. And when she tried to squeeze the lemon it flew out of her hands and into his eye. Somehow making it around his glasses in the process. Just the way she describes things, her face srunches all up when she laughs, it's hilarious, I guess you had to be there. Well, I'm out for now.



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