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Serial Killers turn me on. haha
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2003, 1:16 pm
- The current mood of at

A new look. Do you like?

I went through dozens upon dozens of W magazines looking for the perfect ad. Finally, I found the most beautiful face, and I scanned these pictures. I have been sitting here working on this since 10:30ish. It's taken a while, but finally I like it.

I haven't heard from Jim. I think he went out last night with Randy, Trevor, and Anthony partying. Which means pills, booze, weed, the whole works. So he's probably really hung over right now and won't want to see me anyway.

I really want to watch the movie "Dahmer" about Jeffery Dahmer. I'm fascinated, and a little turned on, by serial killers. lol. I just think they are the most fascinating people in the world. The psychology behind all of it is interesting as well. I have to work on Jessica's diary layout now. And then on her shoes, I wish I had something to smoke while I did that, it would be more fun and a lot more creative, but Jessica wouldn't give me her marijuana, she'll probably throw it away or something. Such a waste of such a precious plant.

Anyway - I'm off like a dirty sock.


RIP Bryan - Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003
I'm being stalked again! - Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003
I'm back. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Gail, the bitch. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Rahhhhh!!!!!!!!! - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003

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