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I used to ride a tractor
Sunday, Feb. 09, 2003, 9:58 am
- The current mood of at

Yesterday was fucking awesome. My mom picked me up at Jessica's house and we went to Freeport shopping. I totally scammed my grandmother and got a lot of shit I wasn't supposed to, because I'm just that good.

Then we came home and mom left to go to Wes's friends house to watch the race, so I went to Panera Bread with Jessica and then she came here to stay the night. We watched a video of me years ago riding a tractor and then I got the brilliant idea of calling Randy and asking for his video of him when he was little. He was the cutest thing ever! and he spends most of the video headbanging to the point where his face goes red and he gets dizzy and starts falling over. It is just hilarious. But he says he can't find it, so I tell him to just come over anyway. He, Anthony Wenkus and Brad came over and we watched some basketball thing.

I have to say that when Randy is high, he is the most hilarious fucker in the world. I love messing with him. So that's what I did during the entire thing, and we played patty-cake, which was also friggin hilarious because Randy is the numbest thing when he's high. So it was a good night.

I miss Randy so much. He was the best thing I ever had, too bad I had him throughout middle school and not now, because I miss the kid so much.

Jessica went home early. She was "sick" hehe. I didn't make much of it because I do the same thing to her, except I'm not genuinly sick, I just feel "weird", so I couldn't hold it against her. Hope you feel better Jess.

I was reading "satan's journal" this morning, and I just want to say, she's friggin queer. First of all, the layout? ACK! I have probably seen that in at least a gazillion diaries before hers, [[and it's really ugly]] and she just can't realize that the reason she doesn't have girlfriends is because she's a stupid bitch to them, hence the name "Satan". I don't know, she just pisses me off.

Anyway... I'm going to my grandmothers today. Go me.



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