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Girls Night Out.
2003-01-26, 12:05 p.m.
- The current mood of at


A lot has happened in the last couple of days. So here I go.

Friday's midterms went ok. They were my really easy ones but I didn't get to make up my English midterm. So I still have 3 to try and make up.

I'm attempting to type and brush my teeth at the same time. It's really really hard. I'm also trying not to sing this song - Foo Fighters; All My Life - because I love it and I want to just belt it out but my toothbrush thinks otherwise.

Friday night I spent at Kristen Hill's house. She's really cool and so is her little sister, Nicole. Hehe, it's hard sharing a name. We went to the Gardiner/Cony hockey game. Cony beat us 3-0, which really sucks! I had a good time.

Saturday mom picked me up and her, myself, Ashley and Gram went to Bath. We went to some store there and I absolutly loved it. I bought a whole bunch of craft stuff, painting things etc. There was this chicken thing there that laid eggs that you open and get a prize. It was really awesome. These two girls a little younger than Ashley and Myself, maybe 13 - 14ish, were watching Ashley and I ride the horsey and pick out giant bags for our room. They gave us funny looks, it was awesome. They obviously need to grow down and have a little fun. They acted too old for their ages. LOOSEN UP PEOPLE. HAVE FUN!

So then we went next door and I bought a couple movies and a book. They were for when Ashley and I spent the night alone because mom and Wes were going out.

So home we went. We watched Pinocchio, wich was one of the movies I bought. I have a new fascination with Disney movies. I miss them SO much. In fact, we watched Beauty and the Beast at Kristen's house, it was, of course, my idea. So Ashley and I watched movies and ate Chinese together and had a good night. Later last night I called Jimmy and he and I talked. He asked me out, so now I'M GOING OUT WITH JIMMY DIPANE! WOO. It feels good. I know I spoke bad about him on my cast page but that was only because we were fighting. We're all good now.

So I'm getting ready to go to Jim's and I'll talk to you all later.



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