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Strep Throat
2003-01-21, 12:36 p.m.
- The current mood of at

Yuck. I have strep throat. There are some positive and negative things to this.

�+ I get to stay home for another couple days.

�- I'm missing midterms that I'll have to make up.

�+ I lost 6 pounds.

�- My head still hurts and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

I guess there's nothing I can do but deal with it. Oh well. Yeah. I hope you like the layout. I decided I wanted to change it. I was debating between NFG and GC but I chose NFG - obviously - I might change it, depends on how I'm feeling. I have a crush on Cyrus. hehe.


RIP Bryan - Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003
I'm being stalked again! - Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003
I'm back. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Gail, the bitch. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Rahhhhh!!!!!!!!! - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003

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