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Sex! Woo!
2003-01-18, 10:02 p.m.
- The current mood of at

I just had sex. It was wonderful. Eric is my savior. I miss him so much! I'm so glad that we're "together" again. Of course nothing is official.. and nothing will probably become official, but going to his game to watch him and then having wonderful, worthwhile sex before sitting naked and holding eachother to cool him down after a bad game, it was so beautiful. He has the nicest body, and he is so great to me. He has been there through everything with me, I've known him since third grade, he's the most perfect guy ever! and ... he's a taurus! I have the best relationship luck with tauruses for some reason. I guess I just need someone with a headstrong personality, just like myself. Being able to bump heads and then have amazing sex to make up, it's the most perfect ending. Don't get me wrong though - I'm not a slut... I haven't even had an orgasm during sex yet. The great thing is I told Eric right from the start so I don't have to worry about faking and lying to him about it. Of course he feels bad, but WOW, he has a nice penis :-) I'm sorry, this is probably way too much to be telling you all, I just needed to say it to someone, I've had a great night. As for the other night at The Edge...

I was so pissed at Adam. Just because he's Adam and he leads me on and I'm sick of it. That, my lack of meds, and hearing how Nigel and Crystal were going on so well, it just made me incredibly upset, and I cried... and cried... and cried... Jessica said I looked like KISS, I had so much make up on and then just started bawling, it went everywhere. lol. And I didn't tell you, the night before the night before, which was like, Thursday, I went to Adam's house and we had fun, we always do. I have lots of bruises from his biting me. It hurt like a bitch! and so my thighs and arm are covered in bruises. I miss Eric. Hmm... I'm off to bed now! Night.


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