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..::what an awful day::..
2002-06-09, 7:59 p.m.
- The current mood of at

WOW was today awful. I won't say anything bad about anyone though.

It started out great when I got out of the shower and found out my gramps dog, Maury had been vomiting and broke out with hives, they put him to sleep 5 minutes after I found out. That's how my day began. Crying for my grandfather's fat little dog, who meant the world to me.

Not long after, I was smiling, YES I was smiling. I thought about it, and it was best to put the little guy to sleep, he was in so much agony anyway.

Then I got to thinkin' about Josh, how perfect he is in everyway. Then he dumped me. I love that word, dumped, cuz it's exactly how I feel, but on a better note, he's still perfect!! He's a low life drunk and woman beater, who has a hot bod and boyish good looks, but that doesn't matter, cuz he's a beautiful person. And that's why I'm so "wrapped up in you"

Then I got the news. Libby Hickey is dead, it's really just wrong. She was the most cheerful, happy person I know, she was full of life, I knew her for two years, I helped her with her math work. You're a great person Libster.

After spending most of my day crying, having a headache, trying to find Josh, and being pissy, I went over to Kara's. She made this diary for me, and here I am, actually writing in it, which I plan to do daily, and also do a better job than her. She made me feel SO much better. Thank you.

When I got home, I called Josh, actually, that was a good idea, cuz he made me smile, like he ALWAYS does, even when he breaks up with me. Thank you too.

Well, it's time to stop writing for today, make sure to check back!



RIP Bryan - Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2003
I'm being stalked again! - Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003
I'm back. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Gail, the bitch. - Monday, Aug. 18, 2003
Rahhhhh!!!!!!!!! - Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003

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